Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 45 will be aired on Feb 17, 2025 on TRT1.
While Börü is trapped between enemy lines, Saladin goes to the battlefield without hesitation to save him. While Guy and Chatillon take advantage of this moment and try to destroy Saladin, something they cannot count on happens: Sultan Nureddin arrives with his army, provides great support and changes the course of the war. Victory once again belongs to the believers. Cairo welcomes a great Sultan. Sultan Nureddin vows to carry the honor of jihad on his shoulders until his last breath and tells this to those around him. It is now time for a reckoning in Jerusalem. Lord Guy will answer with his life to King Amalric, whom he rebelled against and ultimately failed. The king wants him executed. So will Lord Guy be the one to die? He assigns Balian to inform him that Chatillon has been dismissed from his post as commander. While a great power change takes place in Jerusalem, Chatillon never accepts this decision and the tension between him and Balian reaches its peak. Is Latif in danger? Will Jerusalem not be able to protect a physician who will heal it? On the other hand, Mila can no longer hide her feelings for Selahaddin, who is on the eve of marrying Şemse, and confesses her love to him. Selahaddin faces a great test. Is the change of power in Jerusalem a sign of a new war? What move will the Crusaders make to get back the power they lost?
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