Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 44 will be aired on Feb 10, 2025 on TRT1.
Selahaddin saved Şemse. This salvation also causes them to open their hearts to each other. Their joy is overshadowed by the news that the Byzantine fleet has landed in Damietta. While Selahaddin wants to stop the enemy from advancing, Sayra will come to their aid. Sultan Nureddin has also decided to go on a campaign to help Saladin. However, the enemy will prevent Nureddin from going. When the Crusader armies arrive at the gates of Cairo, the result of the meeting between Saladin and King Amalric will surprise everyone. Will Saladin be able to hold Egypt? Or will this siege be the end of his dreams of Jerusalem? King Amalric is making plans to take back Egypt with the Byzantine army. Meanwhile, an unexpected letter to Balian causes great sadness in Jerusalem. Prince Baldwin has contracted leprosy. While Amalric prepares for war with his army as a King, he is also deeply saddened by his son's incurable illness as a father. Baldwin's partial cure lies in the hands of Saladin, the Doctor Latif. Will Amalric be able to take back his son's future along with Cairo? Or will he lose both?
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