Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 43 will be aired on Feb 3, 2025 on TRT1.


What will happen in Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 2 Episode 43?

By taking Rakif's life, Börü loosened the tense ties between Saladin and Nureddin. Sayra, who lost her father, swore revenge on Börü. She began by killing Nizar and tying his Bedouins to herself. Yaver Riza incites the Egyptian people against Şemse. Şemse, overwhelmed by the pressure, decides to leave Cairo. While Saladin prepares for a new move against the Crusaders on one hand, he is on the eve of a big decision regarding Şemse on the other. Will Şemse and Saladin be reunited? Or will the ugly slander thrown at a pure woman separate them forever? The events at the wedding completely shake the stones on the Crusader side. Chatillon, who learns the terrible truth about Mila, goes crazy. Mila will find a solution in taking refuge with Saladin. Amalrik, who wants to protect the alliance he has established with Byzantium, assigns the Count of Ibelin for this purpose. Balian devises a clever plan at the cost of damaging his friendship with Saladin. While Balian is on duty, he is unaware of the event that will affect his destiny. Amalrik has decided that Lord Guy and Sibylla will marry. Will Sibylla submit to her father's decision? Or will she remain loyal to her love for Balian and defy her King?

Ratings & Trends

How did Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 43 perform?

  • Total Rating:3.57+0.03
  • AB Rating:2.91-0.05
  • ABC1 Rating:3.48-0.03




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