Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 41 will be aired on Jan 20, 2025 on TRT1.
Vizier Saladin's brother Börü comes to his brother's rescue in a very difficult time. The Crusader army under Lord Guy's command is in great trouble as a result of Börü's help. As a result of the fight, Merchant Rakif kneels before Vizier Saladin and is captured. What fate awaits Rakif? Will he be exchanged or killed? Will Melik Mevdud be avenged? Lord Guy's failure angers and disappoints King Amalrik. While Emir Yaruki tries to rescue the other captured lords, he falls into the hands of Count Chatillon of Kerak. Count Chatillon of Kerak suspects the existence of an informant. Will Mila be the one who tells them the location of the secret tunnel? The Fatimid Caliph orders the execution of Karategin for killing the palace master Cevher. Sultan Nureddin is also very upset about the martyrdom of his brother Melik Mevdud. He swears revenge. A very serious task is placed on Börü's shoulders to avenge this martyrdom. But will Börü be able to fulfill this task?
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