Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 39 will be aired on Dec 30, 2024 on TRT1.
Saladin accepts Countess Mila's offer and sets off to save Kerak and Mila from the Chatillon trouble. However, Yaruki blocks his way with the order he receives from Sultan Nureddin. Saladin's accounts in Damascus have piled up considerably. On the other hand, King Amalric has closed all of Jerusalem's ports to the Ibelinites, encircled Balian and left him all alone. Balian will appeal to Sultan Nureddin to protect the Ibelin people's right to life. A Bedouin named Nizar, who knows the geography like the back of his hand, raids a large caravan coming to Cairo, leaving Saladin weak against the merchants. Things get heated, and Rakif, the king of the merchants, who exchanges the goods confiscated by Nizar for an offer of friendship, also appears, buying the trust that Vizier Saladin lost. How will Vizier Saladin manage to escape the games of the Caliph and Rakif? Who is the real owner of Egypt?
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