Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 30 will be aired on Oct 28, 2024 on TRT1.
Saladin, who faced all kinds of difficulties for the sake of Jerusalem, was captivated by the voice that silenced the sword sounds in the Cairo arena with the melodies of Jerusalem. Şemse, who stopped the fierce battle between Balian and Saladin with his unique voice, did not refuse Kadı Fazıl's wish for the peace of Egypt and broke his oath. Thus, Balian, the heir to the countship of Ibelin, and Saladin, the apple of Sultan Nureddin's eye, were saved from the wrath of the vizier Dırgam who had descended on Egypt. Will Kadı Fazıl, with the help of Karategin and Yaruki, be able to save Saladin from the hands of the famous slave trader Elyesa, who is trying to sail his ship in the chaos of Egypt? Count Hugh, who spent his life protecting Ibelin against the Crusader mentality, will entrust his last wish, which he could not get his brother Balian to listen to, to his friend Lord Giyom. Count Miles of Kerak, who threw Saladin into the well, will leave his life in the hands of Saladin with the games played on him. King Amalric, who hides his ambition with peaceful and tolerant policies, will not even attend the funeral of Miles, his comrade-in-arms whom he and William of Tyre threw into the fire. Mila, who confuses people with her youthful radiance and beauty, will swear to avenge her husband Miles. Countess Mila's only assistant, who is obsessed with scents, will be Cemşit, who is bubbling like the Cairo bazaar. Kadı Fazıl, who wages his war in the arena of words, will ask Şemse, who is in a rush to find her roots, to join the game they will play on the Nile this time. The Christian beauty, who has subdued Egypt and does not spare an eye for anyone, is in a state of astonishment at seeing the person she saw in her dream in reality. Will Şemse fall in love with Saladin, who runs from battle to battle, and throw herself into the fire? Together with a handful of people who believe in him, Saladin will change the balance in Egypt with the game he set up and determine the fate of Shaver and Dırgam. Who will the Nile carry on its head and who will it swallow?
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