Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 26 will be aired on May 27, 2024 on TRT1.
Selahaddin, who took action to avenge Süreyya and save the gentlemen, managed to corner Mülhem. Selahaddin takes revenge on Süreyya by killing Mülhem, but due to Temur's unexpected move, he loses the beys. While Temur thinks he will save the beys, Bernard appears before them and captures them again. Moreover, Karategin is now a prisoner in Bernard's hands. This move of Temur brings Arslanşah, Nureddin and Selahaddin face to face. While Arslanshah blames Sultan Nuureddin for the beys' capture in the hands of Bernard, he gathers the soldiers loyal to the beys around him and takes a stance against the Zengi State. Bernard, who holds the power against the Zengis by holding the beys, asks Sultan Nureddin for Gaza in exchange for the beys. Karategin, who was captured along with the beys, tries every way to escape, but it is not that easy to escape from Bernard's grasp. Arslanshah tells Sultan Nureddin, who does not submit to Bernard, to give Gaza to Bernard. Otherwise, they will not be able to save the gentlemen. While Sultan Nureddin flatly rejects this, Arslanşah acts his way and takes action to besiege Gaza. Will Saladin be able to save the captive gentlemen from Bernard's captivity? Can the Islamic Union, which Arslanshah caused to fall apart in his effort to stand out, be re-established? Will Nureddin be able to keep Gaza, which is watered with the blood of martyrs and for which many struggles have been fought?
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