Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 24 will be aired on May 13, 2024 on TRT1.


What will happen in Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 1 Episode 24?

Selahaddin captured Mevdud and managed to confront Bernard as a result of a trap he set. With an unexpected move, Bernard manages to escape from Saladin's grasp. Saladin goes to Dolat and Sultan Nureddin without Bernard. His aim is to try to stop Dolat by making Mevdud talk. Mawdud confesses his crimes. But Dolat does not accept Mawdud's testimony. He still insists on fighting. At a point where war is inevitable, a development occurs that will convince Dolat. Karategin arrives with Gerard. Dolat realizes that Iltutmish's murderer is Bernard. He directs all his anger towards Bernard. After eliminating the danger of Dolat, Saladin and Sultan Nureddin turn towards Gaza. But an unexpected development blocks their way. Aware that Dolat's hostility towards Bernard will spread to her, Victoria decides to give Gaza, which she holds, to Dolat. Dolat is now against Saladin again! Because Saladin knew very well that the Crusaders would not be trusted. Will Dolat, who conquered Gaza with political science, be able to take his revenge on Bernard? How will Bernard, who has become a fugitive, take back Gaza? What move will Sultan Nureddin make against Mevdud, whose tricks are obvious? In addition to all this, will he be able to overcome the traps of Bernard, who will take action again to conquer Gaza?



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