Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 23 will be aired on May 6, 2024 on TRT1.
Having to solve the murder of Iltutmish, which brought the Zengid and Seljuk State to the brink of war, Saladin took action to capture Bernard and make him confess his crime, and managed to infiltrate the ongoing wedding of Victoria and Bernard. The infiltration operation of Saladin, Karategin and the veterans towards Jerusalem disrupts the wedding. As a result of this chaos, Dolat appears before Saladin as he is about to capture Bernard. Dolat prevents Saladin from capturing Bernard, and together with Saladin, Karategin captures the frontier veterans and the alps. Having Melike in Dolat's hands and Saladin being captured by Dolat is the last straw on the Zengid Front. Saladin, who puts into action the plan in his mind to stop Dolat, who has practically declared war, conveys this plan to Sultan Nureddin, and Sultan Nureddin asks Dolat for time. He will discuss the issue of allegiance with the state leaders and reach a decision. If allegiance is given, Saladin's life will be spared. Knowing that if Saladin is executed, the fuse of war between the Zengi and the Seljuks will be ignited, what move will Bernard make to have Saladin executed as soon as possible? Will Sultan Nureddin and Saladin be successful in their plan and reveal Bernard, the murderer of Iltutmuş?
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